90% of your life is spend indoors...
think your space doesn't affect you?
Think about how much you do in your home. From work to sleep, you spend a good deal of your life there. And that creates a major impact in your life. Our environments deeply affect us: physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and more. Knowing this, you have the power to create a home that promotes better health, greater happiness, and improved wellbeing! That is the approach behind holistic homes.
Your indoor air quality is 2-5x worse than outdoors. Everything from mold, dust, dirt, and chemicals can cause major health issues to your respiratory tract.
Your home's layout, furniture, and design choices can impact your range of mobility, movement, and cause/improve muscle aches + pains.
hormone imbalance
There are so many chemicals found in building materials, paints, and your everyday household products that cause issues to your hormones and can even lead to infertility issues.
From a busy patterned rug to certain lighting, your home's design choices can cause headaches (in more ways than one).
physical health
"So grateful for Marissa’s visit! One of my main intentions when Marissa and I first sat down was to increase the creative energy of my space. With her guidance I was able to make some small and delectable changes to my space! And... my creativity continues to build and expand"
Allison H
Your emotional state is strongly influenced by design choices like color, pattern, and texture. These design choices can alter and impact your mood, helping reduce anxiety/depression and invoking certain positive feelings.
Everything from clutter to layout can cause you to feel stressed out in your space. Aside from your nerves, stress is the number one underlying root cause to so many major illnesses.
mental health
"Marissa blew me away! I did not know what I was getting myself into and had a few ideas of what I would hear, but working with Marissa brought so much clarity to my life as well to my space. She is highly knowledgeable in her feild and works with you on such a deep and compassionate level. I highly recommend working with Marissa!"
Mike R
Your home and external environment is a direct reflection of your internal landscape. Through the holistic process, you can cast light to a pool of self-discovery and inner wisdom.
When you create a home that allows you to feel good, you are able to rest, relax, and recharge your energy, allowing you to function and feel better!