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Easy Ways to Refresh your Home on a Budget

Updated: Jun 25, 2022

Let me ask you a question. Are you sick of your space yet? I'm currently writing this during the great Covid pandemic of 2020, and the stay-at-home policy has been having us all get familiar with our spaces.

Have you noticed how your kitchen's layout isn't optimal for your love of cooking? Or has staring at your teal coffee table given you an eye sore? Or are you simply just bored of the stagnation of your space? It's pretty much all we're experiencing right now.

I'll admit, even as an Interior Designer, I've gotten tired of my space. But I typically do. That's why I'm constantly refreshing my rooms. It boosts my mood and makes me love my space again! It's probably sustaining my sanity too during these lockdown times, as a refreshed space make it feel new (and I haven't been experiencing too many of those lately).

Humans like new. So why not make your space feel like new? And because it's during Covid times, I wanted to share ways you can make your space feel like new without spending much (if anything at all). Just because we might be feel financially stressed, we still deserve a space that helps ease those tensions we're experiencing at this time.


Give a Makeover to an Old Piece of Furniture

Refreshing a boring piece can not only make it feel like new, but your space feel like new too. This really works when it's a larger focus item, such as a media console, hutch, or other storage piece.

Create a Statement Wall

Instead of refreshing an entire room wall-to-wall, put your efforts into ONE wall and make it a statement. I'm a fan of gallery walls because they can add a lot of personality and unique touches to a space.

Rearrange Furniture

Moving the furniture around is one of the easiest and most affordable things you can do in terms of refreshing a space. It is also useful for Feng Shui in stirring up the stagnant energy or qi. Even if there is only one spot for your sofa, swapping around end tables and moving around decor can make a space feel brand new.

Swap out Hardware 

A kitchen remodel can be quite costing (especially in Seattle). A simple swap of hardware can dramatically change your space. Hardware like drawer pulls and knobs are like the jewelry of a space. These tiny details MAKE a space.

New Paint

It's amazing what a fresh coat of paint can do. Repainting a space can totally transform a design. An interior design tip when selecting a new paint color is to pull from your room's existing color palette. This way, you're not clashing colors or having to go a get all new furniture.

Add Some House Plants

House plants make for great decor pieces due to all their wonderful health benefits. This little dose of nature also helps to brighten and transform your space, whether it be a bold fiddle leaf fig or a jungle of pothos, house plants enhance any space.

Update your Area Rug

Rugs take up the most visual space in a room. While they might be an investment, by changing this one piece, you can create a whole different look and feel in the design. Need to be extra budget conscious at this time? Swap around rugs in different rooms to get a two-for-one deal on refreshing your spaces.

Update your Coffee Table Display 

A vignette is a setting that creates a special moment and feeling. It's those tiny details in a space that tell a story. A coffee table display is a great vignette to refresh. Being centrally located in a space, it gets a lot of traffic, and refreshing it would definitely be noticed.

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